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Faith Formation Ministries at St. Ladislas

Let us approach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.

— Hebrews 10:22

Fatima Devotion

Our Fatima Devotion — to Jesus through Mary — is aimed at nurturing a relationship with the Lord by fostering a devotion to His Mother, Mary. Parishioners are encouraged to invite the “Pilgrim Madonna” statue into their homes for a week. During this time, you can pray the Rosary daily using prepared meditative text. To sign up, click here.

Good Shepherd Catechists & Assistants

Good Shepherd Catechists & Assistants lead a Montessori and liturgically based religious education program in the Atrium. Program is designed for children ages 3-12 


You can learn more about our Good Shepherd program here.

Prayer Chain Volunteers

A group of parishioners volunteer to form a "prayer chain" and devote time to pray for the specific needs of parishioners when called with a request. Requests are offered through the Parish Office.

Vacation Bible School Volunteers

Volunteers plans arts and crafts, food, music, outdoor games, and imagination stations for this weeklong activity sponsored by several Westlake Christian church communities. 

Young Group Adult Volunteers

Friends of Jesus

Our Friends of Jesus ministry leads social and liturgical sessions for persons of all ages with special needs and their families.

Men's Fellowship Group

The Men's Fellowship Group exists to bring the men of St. Ladislas parish closer together as men seeking God. Men are encouraged to lead a life of faith in their family and business life.


The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) are programs by which a person is initiated into the Catholic Church, through the sacraments of Baptism, first Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Volunteers assist in leading candidates through this formation process.

Women Sharing Spirituality

Women Sharing Spirituality offers the women of St. Ladislas an opportunity to grow in their spirituality through ongoing monthly gatherings for prayer, scripture, faith-sharing and fellowship.

Volunteers assist parish youth groups with meetings, service opportunities, retreats, and other events. Help needed leading small groups, driving and/or chaperoning at offsite events, cooking/baking, speaking, prayer support, art/environment, and music. We also appreciate simply your presence! 

If you’d like more information about any of our parish ministries, contact a Ministry Leader or the Parish Office.




We are a welcoming Roman Catholic community that deepens our personal relationship with Jesus Christ by worshipping together, reaching out to others and building up the Kingdom of God as intentional disciples.



2345 Bassett Road

Westlake, Ohio 44145


©2025 St. Ladislas — Catholic Diocese of Cleveland | All Rights Reserved

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